Create a project

A project groups together the data, prompts and models that are all achieving the same task to be done using the large language model.

You should create a new project for each task done by the large language model (LLM)

For example, if you have a task of ‘generate google ad copy’, that should be a project. If you have a summarization that works on top of tweets, that should be a project. You should have many separate projects for each of your tasks on top of the LLM.

You can create a project via the Playground or via the SDK/API.

Screenshot from Peppertype AI Copywriting assistant, each of these ‘apps’ corresponds to a project within Humanloop for managing the best way to get generations from large language models.

Screenshot from Peppertype AI Copywriting assistant, each of these ‘apps’ corresponds to a project within Humanloop for managing the best way to get generations from large language models.