Log drawer in Editor

You can now open up the Log drawer directly in the Editor.

Groq support (Beta)

We have introduced support for models available on Groq to Humanloop. You can now try out the blazingly fast generations made with the open-source models (such as Llama 3 and Mixtral 8x7B) hosted on Groq within our Prompt Editor.

Llama 3

Llama 3, Meta AI's latest openly-accessible model, can now be used in the Humanloop Prompt Editor.

Anthropic tool support (Beta)

Our Editor and deployed endpoints now supports tool use with the Anthropic's Claude3 models. Tool calling with Anthropic is still in Beta, so streaming is not important.

Cost, Tokens and Latency

We now compute Cost, Tokens and Latency for all Prompt logs by default across all model providers.

Cohere Command-r

We've expanded the Cohere models with the latest command-r suite. You can now use these models in our Editor and via our APIs once you have set your Cohere API key.

Dataset Files & Versions

In our recent release, we promoted Datasets from being attributes managed within the context of a single Prompt, to a first-class Humanloop file type alongside Prompts and Tools.

Mixtral 8x7B

Keeping you up to date with the latest open models, we've added support for Mixtral 8x7B to our Editor with a Replicate integration.

Surfacing uncommitted Versions

We now provide the ability to access your uncommitted Prompt Versions and associated Logs.

Improved navigation & sidebar

We've introduced a sidebar for easier navigation between your Prompts and Tools.